Floridians caught in the health care coverage gap don’t make enough money to qualify for subsidized health insurance through the Healthcare.gov Marketplace, and make too much money to qualify for Medicaid.
Nearly 600,000 Floridians are currently trapped in what’s known as the health care coverage gap. These are our friends and neighbors who don’t make enough money to qualify for subsidized health insurance through the Healthcare.gov Marketplace, and make too much money to qualify for Medicaid.
Sign the pledge to support closing the coverage gap by expanding Medicaid.
It doesn’t take much to understand the need for health care expansion. Florida has one of the highest rates of uninsured people in the nation, and is the number one participant in the federal health care marketplace.
People like Arie Strobel, a self-employed Floridian and single mom who falls into this coverage gap, are one reason of many it’s long past time for expansion. She can’t afford health insurance or the full price of Florida KidCare, so Arie is hoping for the best for her and her daughter. Like any mom, Arie thinks mostly about the wellbeing of her child: “I have no way to handle any kind of catastrophic health concern for her, or you know, an accident, or going roller skating or bicycling. If she were to hurt herself, it’s the kind of stuff that wakes me up in the middle of the night.”
Pledge your support to closing the health care coverage gap for 600,000 hardworking Floridians.
Billions of Florida taxpayer dollars sit in Washington that could be used right now to make sure hardworking Floridians get the health coverage they need. It’s irresponsible not to utilize these funds when there’s such tremendous need throughout our state.
Once you’ve taken action, be sure to share this action with your friends and share the pledge on Facebook or Twitter. Thank you.