We scored each Florida state legislator and gave them a percentage score and a letter grade from A-F based on their votes across a wide spectrum of issues including reproductive freedom, civil rights, ethics in government, public education, worker protections, environmental conservation, gun safety, and more.
Simply click on a legislator’s profile and you’ll see their report card for the 2024 legislative session. You can look at past years’ report cards as well to compare.

This year, in the face of an unprecedented affordability crisis, legislative leaders pursued an agenda in lockstep with well-monied special interests that did little to put ‘People First’ and help struggling Floridians. Use our report card to see which lawmakers resisted corporate and extremist, anti-freedom influence to put people first this past state legislative session.
We know you will find the People First Report Card an invaluable resource to determine which legislators are fighting for everyday Floridians, and which aren’t.