Zika and abortion rights campaign launches

Progress Florida Education Institute has launched a six-figure advertising campaign to educate the public and opinion leaders about how anti-abortion extremism is fueling the Zika crisis in Florida.

A poisonous cover-up in Florida

Sign on to our letter demanding answers as to why Gov. Scott’s Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) deliberately chose not to inform the public about the Mosaic mine’s threat to our water and our health.

600,000 Floridians are stuck in the coverage gap

Floridians caught in the health care coverage gap don’t make enough money to qualify for subsidized health insurance through the Healthcare.gov Marketplace, and make too much money to qualify for Medicaid.

New report: Florida 35th in diversity on state courts

“This report is a stark reminder of how urgent it is that we expand the diversity of Florida’s judiciary. When our courts are not reflective of the communities they serve, it negatively impacts the objectivity of our courts and Floridians’ access to fairness and justice.”

Florida Groups Praise Planned Parenthood

Dozens of Florida-based organizations issued the following statement acknowledging the immense contribution Planned Parenthood has made towards expanding and protecting access to reproductive health care in Florida.

No Oil Drilling In The Everglades

A new oil drilling operation has been proposed in the eastern Everglades. Oil drilling threatens not only Everglades restoration, but also imperiled wildlife and south Florida’s drinking water.

Getting Online Voter Registration Right

Now that Online Voter Registration (OVR) has become law, there are four key issues Gov. Scott and his administration must address to ensure the most effective and accessible system possible.